When war began on April 15, 2023, hundreds of young Sudanese volunteers organized a grassroots network support groups to deliver life-saving aid in their communities. These groups became known as Emergency Response Rooms (ERRs) embodying the Sudanese spirit of nafeer – collective action. While international humanitarian aid organizations were evacuating or scaling back operations, ERRs became primary responders supplying food, water, and hygiene materials, organizing evacuations and providing healthcare. The ERRs developed shared guiding principles for decision-making, coordination, and accountability.

Their success is attributed to local knowledge and relationships that afford operational advantages in a challenging environment that international agencies are less-equipped to navigate. A decentralized structure allows organizers to make hyper-local decisions based on context and adapt, in real time, to security conditions. They have proven to be not only an effective aid distributor, but uniquely accountable. 

The characteristics that make mutual aid highly effective have, paradoxically,  limited their access to reliable financial resources and support. Despite their demonstrated ability to deliver life-saving aid at scale throughout the past year, they have been unable to unlock sustainable or substantial funding from institutional donors. 

The ERRs and mutual aid continue to expand across Sudan, working in coordination with international and national NGOs and UN Agencies. Since these large organizations lack direct access to many communities, this network of mutual aid responders provide the only means identify needs, report on the crisis, and deliver aid around the whole country.

In addition to their proven and unique ability to respond effectively and cost-efficiently to immediate humanitarian needs, the network of mutual aid actors in Sudan is also thinking about the future, even in these dark times.

At the time when Sudan begins rebuilding and reuniting in peace, the camaraderie, capacity, and organization of mutual aid groups will be the foundation for conflict resolution, democratic transition and accountable public service delivery. Just as the ERRs and mutual aid have empowered the citizens of Sudan to lead their own humanitarian crisis response, they see their role in the recovery and rehabilitation as equally vital.

Local Partners Call to Action

Encourage group support over individual aid.

Instead of individual cash assistance, consider funding things like communal kitchens and women cooperatives.

Support with urgency.

We all need to work together to respond to this looming famine and our donors must recognise that inaction is the real risk.

Volunteers are aid workers, protect them accordingly.

Advocate for protection of local first-responders.

Keep funding flexible.

Our donors should recognize the changing and unpredictable situation on the ground. They should cut red tape, and recognize the need for us to stay agile.

It’s about trust, not access.

Mutual aid is a viable delivery system at all times, not only when international actors are limited by security access