Invest in mutual aid.

To make a tax deductible donation, please use the form on this page.

To make an offline tax deductible donation, please follow these steps:


  1. Write a check payable to "Proximity 2 Humanity"

  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Mutual Aid Sudan"

  3. Mail your check to:

    415 N 2nd Street, Albemarle, North Carolina 28001

Proximity2Humanity is a registered 501(c)3; upon receipt of your donation you will receive a receipt for the purposes of taxes.

For donations via a bank transfer, please reach out to


  • The activities that your funds will support are decided by the communities themselves, as represented by the base-level Emergency Response Rooms (ERRs). Some examples of prior ERRs activities include: supplying food through community kitchens, repairing water infrastructure, distributing hygiene materials, purchasing medical supplies and medications, supporting health facilities with operating costs and non-medical supplies, evacuating civilians and volunteers to safe zones, and many others. Needs and activities vary across Sudan’s 18 States and can change as rapidly as the war itself.

  • Proximity2Humanity (P2H) has agreed to transfer 95% of all net receipts to the ERRs for their activities. P2H charges a small administrative fee of 5% to cover bank fees, legal expenses, and similar operational costs. Our focus is on ensuring that the maximum amount of funding goes directly to support activities in Sudan. The net receipts include the total of the donation amount minus transaction fees such as credit card processing and wire transfer fees. When donors opt to cover the transaction fees on our website, that means more resources reach frontline responders.

  • The Sudan Mutual Aid Coalition was established by grassroots Sudanese groups in 2024, and Proximity2Humanity provides the legal platform to manage donations transparently and effectively. P2H is managed by unpaid board members and volunteers.   

    In humanitarian crises, local groups face challenges accessing funding, especially informal groups like the Emergency Response Rooms of Sudan and other mutual aid providers. Proximity2Humanity mitigates those challenges by having the legal structures necessary to receive funds and administer them in partnership with these informal networks.

  • Donations made through this website are managed by Proximity2Humanity, a US non-profit organization established to promote community-led solutions in some of the world’s most intractable crises.  

    Our Mutual Aid in Sudan page has more information on these systemic challenges and why P2H is needed.

  • The Coalition offers a more direct pathway of supporting mutual aid groups to reduce the number of intermediaries to only one, and maximizing the resources reaching community-based groups. Because ERRs exist within the communities in which they live, they are best placed to help quickly.

    International organizations are unable to reach certain parts of Sudan due to denied access permission, conflict insecurity, or, in some cases, a lack of funding flexibility to adjust programming at pace with the needs on the ground. In these cases, mutual aid groups are the only reliable providers of aid. In fact, many international organizations engage mutual aid groups to deliver their aid, passing funding through multiple intermediate organizations. Any support you can offer will make a difference. Giving to the Coalition streamlines the support to communities in Sudan.

  • Yes! Proximity 2Humanity is a tax-exempt, charitable 501(c)(3) organization (EEIN: 99-2897200). All donations made to the Proximity2Humanity to support the Mutual Aid Sudan Coalition since May 7, 2024 are eligible for tax deduction. For those who have previously donated, we will provide an updated receipt with our EIN for you records to claim your personal tax deductions. We appreciate your patience and are happy to answer any questions by contacting us at

  • Yes, it is possible to receive contributions from a Donor Advised Fund (DAF). If you or your DAF need assistance, please contact info@proximity2humanity and we would be happy to provide any additional information needed.

  • If you wish to make a donation using bank transfer, please send us an email at

    By doing this we can send the relevant transfer instructions and ensure we can properly acknowledge and attribute your contribution.